František Trnka describes how they generate electricity from cow manure to provide power to their farm and the village of Soběšice.
The people of Kněžice use biomass technologies to generate electricity and to heat their homes.
Děčín, once one of the most polluted cities in the Czech Republic, has shifted towards a future of clean energy through the use of geothermal technologies.
Jakub Mottl and Michal Faltýnek discuss their experiences with solar energy and some of the challenges they have faced.
Josef Kotlaba, micro hydropower operator, designed an innovative and affordable water turbine to power individual households.
A straw house in the Czech Republic, designed by eco-conscious architect Ales Brotánek, utilizing green strategy to improve energy efficiency.
Residents of the surrounding area of Temelín Power Station describe how living close to a nuclear power plant affects their lives.
Miroslav Ruzicka and Berthold Kaupa describe the National Theater's two technological systems, which power the buildings with sustainable energy.
Small towns in both the U.S. and the Czech Republic are increasingly depending on wind as a renewable, natural source of energy.
Stacy Jurich collects waste vegetable oil from restaurants to power her 1981 Mercedes Benz.
IST Energy, which focuses on environmental products, created the GEM, a machine capable of transforming tons of waste into electricity and gas.
A power plant in remote southern Idaho generates electricity with water heated by the remnants of ancient volcanoes.
By moving homes imperiled by gentrification to a new location, Builders of Hope, a non-profit organization in Raleigh, North Carolina, not only gives the homes second lives, but also offers working-class families chances to live in affordable houses in good neighborhoods.
Located in the San Francisco Bay Area, the National Ignition Facility in Livermore aims to change the fundamentals of electricity production through nuclear fusion.
The town of Rockport, Missouri, uses 13 million kilowatts of electricity that is generated by wind turbines located in the Loess Hills Wind Farm.